Oxynomia provides advice on all areas of employment, social protection and social security laws.

Using its litigation expertise, Oxynomia offers its customers bespoke, practical solutions by offering strategic and effective HR advice with a view to anticipating risks and responding to the challenges faced by companies.

Individual Employment Relationships

  • Managing individual relationships, defining working procedures, drawing up employment contracts, managing changes (drafting clauses, amending contracts, career developments, career meetings and appraisals)
  • Managing the status of executives, corporate governance, the compensation of company officers, employment contracts for executives, negotiation and drafting of settlement agreements
  • Dealing with psychological and sexual harassment, working time, mobility, discrimination and interference issues
  • Preventing conflicts, managing negotiated terminations, anticipating potential damages (on dismissals, contractual terminations) and post-termination obligations (non-competes, unfair competition)

Collective Employment Relationships

  • Organising the establishment of employee representative bodies
  • Managing collective relationships and social dialogue with the CSE (social and economic committee) and trade unions, understanding collective bargaining laws, drafting collective bargaining agreements
  • Preparing information and related documentation for CSE consultations and social dialogue
  • Advising on the compensation policy, equal treatment, the drafting of employee savings scheme and employee share scheme documents
  • Negotiating and drafting ethics charters, IT charters, rules of procedure, compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, discrimination, equal treatment and employee privacy
  • Carrying out in-depth employment audits or comprehensive studies on the consequences from an employment and collective bargaining perspective of company transformations (disposals, outsourcing, acquisitions, mergers)
  • Preparing and advising on employee downsizing plans and site closure plans, job protection plans or voluntary redundancy plans

Occupational Health and Safety, Social Security and Social Protection Laws

  • Advising on safety issues, working conditions, occupational health and psycho-social risks
  • Providing support on matters involving the workplace inspectorate, advising on relationships with occupational physicians
  • Advising on delegations of authority and responsibility and risk prevention policies
  • Advising on preventing occupational accidents and illnesses and challenging whether such accidents and illnesses are work-related, challenging of the existence of gross negligence
  • Providing support on the introduction of pension schemes, supplementary schemes, and alterations and challenges to such schemes
  • Managing URSSAF (social security) audits, including on whether the conditions for obtaining exemptions are met


  • Anticipating changes in employment case law
  • Litigating and defending social security and social protection issues
  • Litigating and defending before administrative and judicial bodies and courts in individual and collective disputes
  • Litigating and defending criminal employment law matters
The team